Welcome to I Can Read Vietnamese!  This is a free online course.

We invite you to view our work in progress while we build the online course.  

I Can Read Vietnamese is not a course to teach the Vietnamese language, but to read it.  Thus, it would best benefit those who are already familiar with the spoken language but can't read or write.  Perhaps because this population is so small, currently there is not a book or a program designed just for them.  There are many courses available over the internet to teach Vietnamese, but hardly any focuses on the spelling system except those designed for young children. We are attempting to fill the gap with this course.

As the course is not to teach the language, words are introduced in the order of increasing spelling complexity, not of the most commonly used.

This course is for you if:

  • You are already speaking Vietnamese but seek to read or write the language
  • You can read or write to some extent but need more practices to strengthen your skills
  • You are taking Vietnamese language courses and need to make sense of the Vietnamese writing system

This course will not meet your needs if you are seeking:

  • To speak or use Vietnamese in a few weeks for traveling purposes
  • To learn the most commonly used words and phrases
  • To learn grammar and composition techniques for essays
  • To learn or practice pronounciation

We hope this course will meet the need of at least some people!




Nikita Dinh

Contact:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Last updated:  07/14/2018


Site updates:


Course includes:  Chapters 1 - 22 and related Appendices (approximately 60 lessons)

07/27/2020:  Released video on YouTube:  Discussion 01 - Tone mark placement Symmetry approach (with practice)

07/14/2018:  Released video on YouTube:  Chapter 2.5 - G, H, L, M, N, tone Ngã

01/28/2018:  Released video on YouTube:  Chapter 2.4 - O, Ô, Ơ

08/30/2017:  Published article "Two Names for the Vietnamese Alphabet?" in Blog

06/20/2017:  Released video on YouTube:  Chapter 2.3 - E, Ê, tone Hỏi

04/12/2017:  Released video on YouTube:  Chapter 2.2 - C, D, Đ

01/10/2017:  Released video on YouTube:  Chapter 2.1 - First Spelling Lesson

07/24/2016:  Released video on YouTube:  Chapter 1.3 - Introduction

03/16/2016:  Published article "Vị Trí Dấu Thanh" in Blog

02/14/2016:  Released the Vietnamese Tones Song on YouTube

01/30/2016:  Published article "Rules of Tone Mark Placement" in Blog

01/14/2016:  Released the Vietnamese Alphabet Song on YouTube